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Designer | Creative Direction

Art Direction
Brand Design
Web Design
Graphic Design

Jess Trần Tavitian is the Co-Founder of TDS Australia and Design Director at Prana Advisory. She has a diverse background, having studied and worked in Tokyo as a Designer. Subsequently, she pursued Graphic Design at Billy Blue College of Design in Sydney, Australia, and graduated with a Bachelor of Communication Design in 2017.

Jess’s journey from Saigon to Japan and then to Australia showcases her international perspective and experience, shaping her into a versatile and talented designer. Her educational background and professional experiences have undoubtedly contributed to her expertise in web and graphic design, making her a valuable asset at TDS Australia and Prana Advisory.

Jess has a razor-sharp focus and an unwavering commitment to perfection. Her meticulous nature transcends ordinary standards, delving into the realm of extraordinary precision.

At the core of her being lies a keen sense of awareness, allowing her to intricately weave together the elements of design with unparalleled finesse. Every stroke, every pixel, and every detail is a testament to her conscientious attitude and unwavering dedication to her craft. Jess’s approach to design is imbued with depth, sophistication, and an unspoken understanding of the visual language, resulting in creations that resonate on a profound level.


Jess Trần Tavitian is the Co-Founder of TDS Australia and Design Director at Prana Advisory.

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